Our goal is to have our clients excited about the process of building a home for them to share with their loved ones. We see it as a huge privilege to guide and advise you along your journey, being there to offer our expertise and support throughout the challenges, and to celebrate with you once the build is complete. 

We’ve comprised a simple list of questions for a previous client to address some of the fears or concerns that you may have about this process:  

1. Other than price, what was your biggest fear or concern before you found us?

I was fearful of not being able to achieve the design and practicality I wanted in my home. I love Architecture and have three little children so amalgamating the two into my home was unknown to me. The team at Location were able to take my ideas and needs and create a concept of what the end result would be. To be able to visually see it in front of me diminished my concerns.

2. Did you have any other fears or concerns?

The timeline of how long it would take and if it would run over the completion date. The team gave me the BuilderTrend app to track all works that were happening and I could check it daily to see if everything was still going to plan, tasks shuffled around but the completion date remained the same.

3. What did we do, say, or show you that made you decide to build with us?

The communication right from the start. Design was the biggest factor, and it was communicated what we could achieve, afford and when it would be approximately ready for us to move in.

4. What did you enjoy most about the process of building with us?

Once I trusted the Location team and the process it was stressless and seamless. I let the professionals do their job and I could just  sit back and look forward to move in date. 

Our passionate team is always available to discuss further with you any queries you may have, contact us  us today on 0508 562 284. We get as excited as you do about collaborating on your vision and providing outcomes that will deliver beyond your expectations.